Online Facilitation Skills.

Team Effectiveness

Elevate Team Intelligence & Productivity

Team challenges often manifest in conflict and a failure to make progress. Teams don’t often understand the root causes of those issues or how to work together to prevent them. We employ our Team Performance System not only to educate teams but to provide the practices needed for improvement. From a single team to organization-wide implementation, we can help co-located or virtual teams:

  1. 1. build mutual regard
  2. 2. reduce conflict
  3. 3. align around priorities and purpose
  4. 4. make decisions
  5. 5. clarify multi-function work processes
  6. 6. improve overall communication 

The Three Key Components of The Online Facilitation Skills Team Performance System

Gain Understanding of How and Why Teams Succeed or Falter

The Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model® illustrates the necessary stages involved in both creating and sustaining successful teams. It provides a common organization-wide framework for teaming across functions, cultures, and distances.

Assess Team Strengths and Opportunities for Growth

Organizations use The Online Facilitation Skills Team Performance Survey™ as a tool for assessing a team’s perceptions about itself. The resulting report sparks discussions among team members and helps them plan a path for developing team effectiveness.

Resolve Team Issues With Online Facilitation Skills Best Practices

With the output from the Survey, teams then choose from The Online Facilitation Skills set of best practices. We offer more than 80 practices, keyed to the stages of the Model, to help team leaders develop a “playbook” in response to common team challenges.

How To Get Started

Many of our clients get their first introduction to the Team Performance System by engaging one of our consultants to work with a team or by taking one of our workshops. Choose your own approach.

Team Performance Consulting

Team start-ups and team improvement meetings are excellent opportunities to introduce the Team Performance System. Our consultants work with team leaders, administer the Survey and interpret the results, recommending ways to improve teamwork. We facilitate teams at any scale and level, both in person and virtually:

  1. 1. Individual teams
  2. 2. Organization-wide
  3. 3. Senior leadership
  4. 4. Cross-boundary work groups

Team Performance Workshop

Attend a public Team Performance workshop or have The Online Facilitation Skills run a workshop within your organization, virtually or in person. You will learn essential team practices and visual tools and be certified to use The Online Facilitation Skills Team Performance Survey.

How To Install The Team Performance System in Your Organization

For those clients who have experienced the effectiveness of The Team Performance System and want to roll it out to multiple teams, we offer several options for a flexible and scalable implementation.


The Online Facilitation Skills can train your internal human-resources or learning-and-development staff to offer the Team Performance workshop to your teams and leaders. This is a cost-effective way to bring Team Performance into your organization.


The Online Facilitation Skills has a variety of licensing offerings, including licensing the Team Performance Survey, best practices, as well as on-site print licensing for select Online Facilitation Skills products. Select from a range of do-it-yourself products at Online Facilitation Skills Tools.

Team Tools Websites

We tailor a library of tools and best practices from our extensive collection and from your organization’s tried-and-true methods. The website can be housed behind your firewall and provides a shared teaming framework for your organization.

“We have applied the Team Performance Model and graphic facilitation tools and processes to three different teams within our organization since we received our training from The Online Facilitation Skills. These teams were in different parts of our business (both manufacturing and product development) and had very different objectives and team member skill sets. In each case, the teams performed effectively and the team members were highly motivated throughout the process.”
Team Development Specialist
Major Medical Equipment Manufacturer

Sample Projects

Case Study: W.L Gore & Associates

See how the Team Performance System was rolled out to 10,000 associates worldwide.

Case Study: Beckton, Dickenson & Company

A team tools intranet portal to support leaders of project teams with knowledge and practices.

Additional Resources

Team Performance Brochure

Visual Teams by David Sibbet

Learn how to use visuals across the whole arc of a team’s productive life.


For those who have taken our courses and/or prefer a do-it-yourself approach, we’ve developed toolsets for team effectiveness.