Online Facilitation Skills.


Create Clarity Out of Complexity

Alignment across an entire system becomes possible with an integrated picture of an organization’s story. Grove Storymaps® provide a common narrative for your internal audiences and can showcase your story to external audiences. We design Storymaps to support:  

Communicate the Big Picture in an Accessible Way

An organization’s story is Illustrated in a comprehensive, yet accessible way that draws in the viewer and allows for quick comprehension. Stakeholders understand the big picture at a glance and see how their efforts connect to the whole. 

Storymaps allow leaders and other members of your organization to give stimulating and refreshing presentations. What’s more, Storymap presentations, either in person or online, open up conversations that wouldn’t have been possible with a dry slide show. Visual storytelling is both engaging and memorable and as such, Storymaps have a long-lasting impact within an organization. 

Organizational Learning Through the Storymap Process

Through Facilitation We Help You Tell Your Story

First, we assess the state of the story you need to tell. We use a variety of data-gathering methods, including facilitated in-person or virtual meetings. By including a variety of stakeholders, we initiate a fresh exchange of information

Concept Sketches Test the Communication

Next, information designers work with you to problem solve creatively, crafting sketches from your shared information. As the design process unfolds, we elicit stakeholder feedback in order to encourage communication and buy-in.

Iterations Build Alignment and Refine the Storyline

Organizational alignment is an intended byproduct of The Grove’s Storymap process. Development is intentionally collaborative and fun, and results in a refined communication tool that can take on many digital and print forms.

Strategic change in organizations is about changing people’s behavior and attitudes as much as it is about changing processes and procedures. In order to successfully facilitate change, you need a process that is both blame-free and cognizant of the mental struggle of letting go and finding ways to do things better. The unique support you get from Online Facilitation Skills is an intentional process in which people are engaged from the bottom up and can consider both their fears and their dreams, which allows them to let go of old practices and embrace, own, and get excited about the change.

Erik Rolland
Cal Poly Pomona
Provost’s Associate for Strategic Transformation
Dean of College of Business & College of Professional and Global Education

Sample Projects

The Unity Council

Case Study:

Communicating A History Of Accomplishments

Sutter Health

Case Study:

Building Momentum for a New Vision

The National Science Foundation

Case Study:

Developing Innovation Strategy

Additional Resources

Designing & Leading Change


A college of six academic departments and more than 5,000 students needed to undertake a visioning and culture-change process to address silos and open up opportunities for innovation.

What Challenges Are you Facing?

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